Sunday, February 08, 2004
It feels like it's been a long time since I posted...I guess when so much starts happening offline it's hard to keep up here. But it's important for me to still devote a little time to updating my (trivial) views on life, the universe, and everything, so here goes...

Just some food for thought:

-- In Brazil, Lula has included more PMDB (right of center) ministers in his cabinet...selling out in domestic politics? Yet, at the same time, he has become more adamant in his anti-US international position...

-- Ever watch Fox News? It's amazing...I think one's IQ drops a point per minute of watching the show...a report testing out the effectiveness of the "hangover pills" (hey sign me up if it works!) has to appeal to emotion so that viewers will be compelled to watch. "Want reality tv? These men have a drink! for you! to test out this little pill...will it work? this is reality! find out, only on Fox News!!" I recently had watched a similar report in Canada's CBC: "Coming up next, we test the hangover pill; find out our results." Is sensationalism the only way to sell in the US?

-- Have you seen the recent "Join the Low Carb Revolution!" ads on MSN? It's as if we all needed a new fewer carbs, vote for Bush, improve the economy...and keep the wheel fact, it's amazing how in the US most advertisements have to do with weight's all in the name of helping to make America beautiful I suppose

-- And Microsoft's in trouble yet again...this time in Europe, for tying its Windows products to Mediaplayer...yaaaaay go monopolies! So much good the recent encounter with US competition policy did...

Yep, two weeks away from blogging and it's still a lunatic's world out there...but don't worry, as long as we may blog, the sometimes satirical/sometimes documentary-style posts will keep coming to keep us all entertained...not only here, but also in several other excellent sites I have discovered that just keep finding the silver (sometimes electrifying) lining in the current global clouds around us...


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